Thursday, October 2, 2008

Why me?

So, I had my weekly lesson last night (Wednesday) on another horse (again). This time it was Holly. I've never ridden Holly before, so that was a nice change.

Anyways, when I brought Gus in from the paddock, his LH was still swollen, obviously. However, it was EXTREMELY warm to the touch. It was cold out yesterday so the other three legs were nicely cool to the touch. Not the LH. Sheesh. I rewrapped it again last night and applied Surpass. I left instructions for the BO to remove tomorrow and then throughout the whole next week we'll be sweating the leg again (except for a couple days where it'll just be Surpassed and the rewrapped).

I will have a call into the vet, again, to see if we should be icing the leg again for awhile. Just frustrating (like pulling hair out frustrating!).

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