Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Higher then a kite!

So, Monday I took Gus for our usual walk outside after cleaning his stall. Boy, what gorgeous November day. It was 70+ and just beautiful, slightly windy but I'll take it. And, was Gus higher then a kite or what!?! I lost track of home many times he attempted to bolt off on me. He was just being a little sh*t. Decided from now on he'll be handwalked with a bridle and chain... no plain halter anymore, just isn't work the risks.

He was much better on Tuesday when we went for our walk. A little high, but still behaving. He's tracking both hind legs well... moving pretty forward. I'm pleased with this progress and hope that we can find a solution to the turnout here shortly (i.e. private turnout is a must).

I did give Gus that Ponypop treat back yesterday... so we'll see how much molasses I gotta clean up tonight when I get there. If it's pretty bad, I'll definitely have pictures to post. I know I'll be needing to clean his sheet so that'll be coming home with me tonight.

Anyways, no news on Gringo.

Oh, and I forgot to mention, but the Previcox came Monday. So, Gus has been on it for oh almost three days now. I'm really hoping that this helps him and Gringo. Gringo will be starting his dosage this Friday (left the stuff at the barn accidentally). Will keep CoG2 updated on the (hopefully successful) Previcox and if it works for the boys.

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